Friday 18 November 2011

Home Remedies for Acne and Natural Acne Remedies

There is an increasing demand for home remedies for acne as awareness grows about dangerous chemicals used in the cosmetic industry. Many types of acne related problems such as adult acne, cystic acne or acne scars are responding well to the treatment with home remedies for acne. How to get rid of acne? Use safe and time proved natural acne remedies.
Home Remedies for Acne and Cystic Acne
Cystic acne is a more severe form of acne when hard, purple and tender lumps are formed deep inside the skin often fluid-filled and inflamed. They are truly embarrassing and often cause insecure and awkward appearance in public. But hope is still there; mother nature provides us fantastic home remedies for cystic acne.

Acne Apple Cider Vinegar
It might sound weird but the well-known old folk remedy, apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural acne remedies. It works wonders for both adult acne and cystic acne. Buy in your local health food store raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the ‘mother’ and use it both internally and externally. It is great home remedy for acne. How to get rid of acne with apple cider vinegar?
Internal Acne Home Remedy
Mix 2 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar in a big glass of water and drink with a straw slowly the whole day or gulp the mixture at once. (The acidic drink might harm your teeth.) After one week of regular daily consumption you have to notice change of your skin acne if it works for you. It is worth to persist for 2 weeks with this acne remedy. This home acne remedy works wonders for many.

Acne and Apple Cider Vinegar: External Acne Remedy
How to get rid of acne with apple cider vinegar? You might use apple cider vinegar onto your face or body acne various ways. BUT first make sure you are not allergic to apple cider vinegar. Put some apple cider vinegar onto your arm and wait a few hours for the reaction. If nothing happens you can use it for your face.
  • The easiest way is to dab undiluted apple cider vinegar on any troublesome areas and let it air dry and leave it on for night. You can repeat this acne home remedy in the morning as well. But, do not forget to wash your face first with warm water.
  • Many people find undiluted apple cider vinegar to strong and it might have a drying effect for sensitive skin. Those people can wash it off with warm water after being rubbed on the skin with a damped cotton ball.
  • Another possibility is to use apple cider vinegar diluted. You can simple dilute it with water (1:1) in a cup and give your face a light swab with the diluted apple cider vinegar every night before bed. Make sure all the pimples are covered. After about 3-4 days of this acne remedy you will see the spots slowly drying up.

Simple Home Remedies for Acne

You can make lovely
facial toner in a spray bottle: mix
  • one part of apple cider vinegar and
  • one part of witch hazel solution and
  • two parts of water in a small spray bottle.
Use this home remedy for acne after cleansing the face 2-3 times a day. Let it air dry.
Another great acne home remedy and topical astringent is a mixture of apple cider vinegar and green tea.
Blend in equal portions:
  • strong natural green tea and
  • organic apple cider vinegar and put in a spray bottle.
Both green tea and vinegar are safe natural acne remedies. Before applying this home remedy for acne shake the bottle well. Use twice a day after washing your face with lukewarm water and let it air dry.
For the treatment of body acne pour half a cup of apple cider vinegar in your bath water and relax in the bathtub for 10-15 minutes. It is a plain simple acne home remedy and helps with your body acne for sure.

Home Remedies for Acne: Organic Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil is a wonderful moisturiser and acne remedy; has antibacterial and antifungal properties as well. In some cases acne is caused by fungal infection and for those people coconut oil is extremely useful. How to get rid of acne with Coconut Oil?
After using
apple cider vinegar as a toner apply some organic coconut oil on your skin as a moisturiser in the morning and perhaps bedtime also. Do not be scared putting something so oily on your skin. Your skin will easily soak up all the coconut oil and your acne clears up gradually. It also helps with healing acne scars; they become lighter and less visible. Coconut oil is great acne scar treatment.
Additionally you may also use coconut oil internally (1-3 tablespoons a day) perhaps cooking with it or adding to ready meals.

A lovely
home remedy for acne scars is a mixture of Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera gel. Mix:
  • 4 teaspoons of organic Coconut Oil with
  • 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel.
In a cool climate coconut oil is solid so warm the bottle in hot water or in a spoon above a candle flame first. Use the acne remedy mixture twice a day on your acne cysts and scars– morning and bedtime – after washing your face with warm water and perhaps toning with apple cider vinegar. Those are real natural remedies for acne.

Home Remedies for Acne Scars
Acne scar removal: one great and natural acne scar treatment is the plant Aloe Vera. How to get rid of acne scars with Aloe Vera? If your acne scars are really bad use Aloe Vera both internally and topically. Either Aloe Vera Juice or Aloe Vera Capsules work well internally.
Combine the internal treatment with topical application of Aloe Vera gel 99% or the sap obtained from the aloe plant itself. The gel or sap is invisible has an initial odour which fades away quickly. Put the sap or gel directly on the scars 3-4 times a day for a week. Helps fading the redness of the scars, which minimise fast.
Aloe Vera works wonders not only for
acne scars but for acne vulgaris and cystic acne as well. Feel free to use the gel or sap also onto your pimples, blemishes and red spots; it clears acne fast. It is one of the most valuable home remedies for acne scars.
You can mix Aloe Vera gel with organic Coconut Oil and make a wonderful acne scar treatment for removing acne scars as written above.
Another precious home remedy for acne scars is our good old lemon. How to get rid of acne scars with lemons? Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and apply the undiluted juice onto your acne scars. Let it air dry. Leave it on overnight. It reduces redness of scars and marks even after one application. It works as an effective whitening solution and acne scar treatment. Helps removing acne scars fast. Be cautious: do not use lemon juice all over your face as you will turn very pale.
Natural Remedies for Acne: Eggs and Sea Salt
Fine sea salt mixed with an egg white help to clear acne for delicate, sensitive skin that is plagued by acne spots. Apply as a mask and gently remove using circular motions. How to get rid of acne with sea salt and egg white?
Mix in a cup a:
  • big pinch of fine sea salt and
  • one egg white.
After washing your face with warm water apply the mixture on your wet face and let air dry. When the mask dries and becomes hard wash away gently with warm water. Use the acne remedy twice a week.

Home Remedies for Acne – Vegetables: onions, garlic, carrot and cucumber
Various vegetable purees are effective natural remedies for acne. Onions and garlic are great for reducing inflamed acne cysts and killing bacteria and fungi. How to get rid of acne with onions and garlic?
Make a puree in a food processor from:
  • a small yellow onion bulb and
  • one clove of garlic.
Apply this smelly mask over your pimples, blemishes, red spots, acne cysts and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Wash away the acne remedy with warm tap water. Let your face air dry. Regular use of the onion acne remedy above clears acne quickly. BUT make sure your skin is not allergic to onions or garlic.
Carrot juice is one of the plain simple home remedies for acne. In order to alkalise and clean your body you can drink fresh carrot juice everyday. It also promotes your system sufficient pro-vitamin A, which is important for healthy skin. Make your daily juice with organic carrots (perhaps together with organic apples) in a juicer. It is better to leave the peels on. Stir the finished juice well and drink fresh immediately. It is great both as general toner and as acne home remedy. How tasty sometimes home remedies for acne might be.
Another time-proved acne remedy and one of our old and natural acne remedies is the humble cucumber: place one peeled, chopped cucumber in a blender and puree it. Apply the juice and some of the puree on your spots, blemishes and pimples; also drink a few cups of cucumber juice daily. After a week of doing so you should see results.
CAUTION: First make sure you are not allergic to any new substance you try on your skin. Apply the new acne remedy on a small skin spot first and wait a few hours for the reaction.
So, that was my collection about various home remedies for acne. Hope you could find yours among them; your individual home remedy for acne which works wonders personally for you. Best of luck with experimenting with natural acne remedies.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Forever

Has your acne finally cleared up, but you have been left with ugly and embarrassing acne scars and redness? If so, you are probably getting desperate to learn how to get rid of acne scars. Dealing with acne is bad enough on its own, but it is really devastating when you have finally cured your acne and you are often left with deep acne scars that can take months or even years to heal. Many people have old acne scars that have never healed.

There is hope though! There are several effective methods to get rid of acne scars that work very well. Post acne scars are usually a result of scratching, picking or squeezing the pimple. Scars form at the site of the skin trauma. There are also cases where the acne is so inflamed or infected that it leaves cystic acne scars even if you haven’t scratched or picked at all.

After learning how to get rid of acne as a first step, let’s examine the post-acne situation by looking at the types of acne scarring that you may have and how to get rid of acne scars. There are almost as many types of acne scars as there are acne scar treatments.

Ice pick scars are deep pitted acne scars, shaped like the hole that an ice pick would leave. Ice pick scars are one of the most common types of acne scars. The more severe scars of this type are sometimes called “depressed fibrotic scars.” The good news is ice pick scars respond well to most acne scar treatments.

Hypertrophic scars are thickened, red acne scars that may eventually fade on their own, though it can take a year or more in some cases. Cortisone injections can sometimes speed up the healing process, and dermabrasion, chemical peels and laser treatments work well too.

Keloid scars are unique in that they spread beyond the area that was originally affected. These are raised, dome-shaped scars that are often in irregular shapes. Keloids are commonly body acne scars, typically found on the chest or back. Laser resurfacing, laser rejuvenation and injections into the keloid scar are the most effective Keloid scar removal treatments.

Dark acne scars – Sometimes after the red scarring fades, you are left with dark or black acne scars. These black spots are concentrations of melanin in the scar zone. The medical term for these dark scars is Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation or PIH. Among the other treatment options available, there are also skin whitening products on the market that are designed to fade acne scars such as these.

What Are the Different Acne Scar Solutions Available?

Dermabrasion and dermaplaning are common methods used to smooth the surface layers of the skin by scraping the rough surfaces caused by scars from acne and other injuries. Dermaplaning works particularly well as an acne scar removal for hypertrophic and keltoid scars. Dermaplaning and dermabrasion work well alone or in combination with chemical peels.

Chemical peels use a chemical solution that removes the outer layers of the skin. This is a particularly effective way to heal acne scars of all types, including dark acne scars. Chemical peels are also effective for wrinkles and age spots.

Acne Scar Cream – scar removal creams containing tretinoin help to speed up the skin’s healing process and can cure acne scars without having to resort to surgery or expensive medical procedures.

Laser treatment for acne is similar to both dermabrasion and chemical peels as it also removes the surface layer of the skin, creating a soother, more even surface. This method uses a laser for acne scars that removes the rough surface or discoloration caused by acne scarring. Of all the acne scar remedies, laser treatment is the most expensive.

The Punch Technique is usually recommended for deep pitted acne scars. The doctor punches and removes a piece of the scar, then places a skin graft where the scar was removed. In less severe cases, if your scars are not very deep, it may not even be necessary to do the skin graft. The skin can just be punched out and left to heal. The downfall to this method is that the recovery period is longer than other methods and you may take several weeks to heal.

Acne scarring is not only a physical problem, it is an emotionally painful and embarrassing thing to live with. It affects all aspects of your life – your social life, self esteem, career and relationships all suffer when you are dealing with the emotional damage that acne scars leave behind.

Now that you’ve learned how to get rid of acne scars, you know that there is hope! There are several methods available to you and you should discuss with your dermatologist which one is right for you.